Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cheers to the Best Year!

1. Stop overthinking the little things. I constantly think about things after they're over and done with. I always think about what people will think about me. I overthink my outfit choices, how my hair looks, etc. I need to stop caring what people think and be more comfortable being myself.

2. Work on growing my blog into something that I can truly be proud of. I want to be able to empower other people to actually do that thing that they've been wanting to do for a while, but keep pushing to the back of their mind. Keeping a blog is going to take time out of my already busy schedule (18 hour semester and 2 jobs), but I'm going to keep at it and publish posts that are worth reading.

3. Eat healthier & try meal planning. Having a busy schedule has interfered with the way that I've eaten in the past. When I was in a hurry, I would just grab something from the nearest fast food restaurant and call it a day. Actually planning out a weeks worth of meals will not only help me eat healthier, it will save me a lot of money in the long run.

4. Make my last semester of college the best semester. Every semester I say I'm going to make straight A's, then halfway through the semester I say I'm just going to try to make Deans List (all A's and B's), and by the time finals roll around, I'm telling myself that I need to just make a passing grade. This semester is my last semester in college and although I did well last semester, I missed Deans List because of a B-. SERIOUSLY?! So this semester, I want to make all A's and I'm going to work my butt off to do it.

5. Make time to work out 4-5 times per week. I used to run all the time. Seriously... all the time. Last semester I stopped going to the gym as much because I "didn't have time." No more excuses. I want to be healthy and fit, so I will make time to be healthy and fit.

6. Get more organized. If you know me at all, you know that my Lilly Pulitzer large agenda is with me 24/7. That agenda is just about the only bit of organization I have in my life lately. (Sidenote: although I LOVE Lilly, I just purchased a Kate Spade 2015 planner and I'm OBSESSED). I want to get more of my life organized. I want to organize my closet and room (and actually keep it clean). 

7. Stop relying on my phone 24/7. My phone is ALWAYS in my hand. I rely on it to answer all of life's questions that I have. I lose sleep because I'll be watching vines until 2AM most nights. I love that my phone is a quick way of communicating with others, but it's become too much of a distraction in my life lately and it has taken me away from making memories that I can look back on and smile about. 

8. Get outside and travel more. About a month ago I decided that I really want to hike the Appalachian Trail. Of the few people that I have told, most of them have laughed in my face or made some remark along the lines of "you'll probably last a day or two." I want to prove these people wrong. This year, I'm going to get outside more and do a few practice hikes to help train myself for the AT. I also want to go to one place I've never been each month.

9. Step outside my comfort zone at least once a week. When I'm uncomfortable, I usually grab my phone and try to drown out the awkwardness. I want to try to engage in more conversations and be more aware of my surroundings.

10. Keep an open mind and try new things. I've tried to do more of this as 2014 has come to an end. I am a very stubborn person and if I think I won't like something, I'll steer clear of it. I want to do things that I would normally turn away from. Who knows, maybe I'll have more fun?

What are some of y'alls New Years Resolutions? Let me know in the comments below! I hope you all have a wonderful time ringing in the New Year! Pop some bubbly, kiss a cute boy, and have some fun!


  1. Hi fellow NC Blogger! I have stated to my husband that I wanted to hike the AT as well, after reading a book about this man journaling as he hiked it. I think it would be such an experience, to unplug and be all about nature. Quite the change of perspective. :-) Unplugging more is probably a big thing I should do as well. I'm finding a new gym to become a member, because my current one is not for people who like to flex. Ha-ha! You have a great list for the New Year!

    Oh, I found you on Instagram! Main reason to visit is to check out your fudge recipe. What a beautiful photo. Hope to be able to connect and become blog buddies. :-) Happy New Year!

    1. I'm currently reading a book about the AT as well! I'm glad someone understands where I'm coming from (: Thank you so much for checking out my blog! Have a Happy New Year!
